You set a course for Port Royal but the Black Pearl catches up with you. Will Turner will save Elizabeth and everyone will leave for the ship. Once you reach the Isla de Muerta, get rid of the pirates and push onward to the back of the cave. Once you set sail and take-off on the ship, talk to Jack and set a course for the Black Pearl. Go back to the harbor where you will meet the notorious Jack Sparrow. Help fight them off, and Sora agrees to help him on his rescue mission to save Elizabeth. Soon you will be heading into town and find Will Turner taking on some Heartless. Try your drive forms on them to help the battle go quicker. A battle kicks up that reveals that the only way to hurt these guys is to lure them into the moonlight.
When you arrive and head down the first flight of stairs in front of you, you will witness Pete consorting with the dastardly pirates from Pirates of the Caribbean.
In the gap on left wall from starting point. Around the corner to east of Treasure 02. Can be found east of the area just past the steps. Found in a corner of area from the starting point.